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ALC is a Tier 1  provider of project management training since 1994 and PRINCE2 since 1999.  We offer top trainers, quality materials, competitive prices, great value. Browse through our program below or go straight to our course schedule.

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Agile and Scrum Training Courses

AgilePM® Foundation & Practitioner Course (4 Days) View course

AgilePM® Foundation & Practitioner Course (4 Days)

Our Agile Foundation and Practitioner certification is accredited by APMG and are structured around the DSDM Atern methodology while acknowledging the range of Agile methodologies available.. Unlike other popular approaches, DSDM doesn’t just focus on the development team and extends to project structure and control, making it an ideal methodology for project management professionals to study. Book with Confidence – Our Agile Foundation and Practitioner courses are guaranteed to run.
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Scrum Master Certified (SMC) View course

Scrum Master Certified (SMC)

The objective of this certification is to confirm that the applicants have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply Scrum in projects and how to tailor Scrum to a particular scenario.
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PRINCE2 Project Management Courses

PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner Combined (5 Days) View course

PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner Combined (5 Days)

The full five day Certificate Program is designed for current or aspiring project management professionals who need to fully master the PRINCE2 framework and at the same time obtain a globally-recognised certification. This program is also ideal for anyone intending to become a Consultant or Trainer. The program includes both the Foundation and the Practitioner certificate exams.
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PRINCE2 Foundation (3 Days) View course

PRINCE2 Foundation (3 Days)

The three day PRINCE2 Foundation Certificate course is designed for those who require an understanding of this project management methodology, while not necessarily aspiring to professional level knowledge. This could include people initiating or working on projects, business representatives, team leaders, and those with an interest in project management. If you take the Foundation module on its own you may wish to take the Practitioner module at a later date and complete the full program.
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PRINCE2 Practitioner (2 Days) View course

PRINCE2 Practitioner (2 Days)

The two day PRINCE2® Practitioner Certificate course is designed for anyone who already has PRINCE2 Foundation certification and wants to upgrade their knowledge and certification to Practitioner level. The course focuses strongly on workshops, exercises and case studies, and participants will need to show they can apply and tune PRINCE2 to address the needs and problems of a specific project scenario.
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PRINCE2 Agile® View course

PRINCE2 Agile®

PRINCE2 Agile is an extension module designed for those already benefiting from PRINCE2, who want further guidance on how to achieve optimal project management by combining the flexibility and responsiveness of Agile with the clearly defined framework of PRINCE2®. It covers a wide range of Agile concepts, including SCRUM, Kanban and Lean Startup, and is open to those who hold current PRINCE2 Practitioner certification.
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MSP Managing Successful Programs

MSP® Managing Successful Programs Foundation & Practitioner Combined (5 Days) View course

MSP® Managing Successful Programs Foundation & Practitioner Combined (5 Days)

MSP® Managing Successful Programs – Foundation/Practitioner is a five day fully-accredited course comprising Foundation (three day) and Practitioner Prep (two day) modules. It explores the MSP project management approach, where large complex change is broken down into manageable, inter-related projects, helping organisations to avoid pitfalls and achieve their transformational goals. The course is available as a five day combined Foundation/Practitioner course or as a three day Foundation module on its own.
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MSP Managing Successful Programs Foundation (3 Days) View course

MSP Managing Successful Programs Foundation (3 Days)

MSP® Managing Successful Programmes Foundation (3 Days) is a three day module which can be taken as an alternative to the five day Foundation/Practitioner course. It teaches the MSP project management method used by many organisations, where the components of large complex organisational change are broken down into smaller more manageable, inter-related projects. This qualification will confirm you have sufficient understanding to perform a project management role effectively within an MSP environment.
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MSP Managing Successful Programs Practitioner (2 Days) View course

MSP Managing Successful Programs Practitioner (2 Days)

MSP® Managing Successful Programs Practitioner ( Days) is a two day module designed for anyone who already has MSP® Managing Successful Programmes Foundation (3 Days) certification and wants to upgrade to Practitioner level. It focuses on workshops and exercises, and participants must be able to demonstrate an ability to apply and tune MSP principles to address the needs and problems of a specific project scenario.
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Other Project Management Courses

P3O® Portfolio Programme and Project Offices View course

P3O® Portfolio Programme and Project Offices

A five day two-module training and certification program leading to the APMG Foundation Level and Practitioner Level Certificates in P3O. From the same stable as PRINCE2 and MSP, P30 is a project management method that provides the structure, governance, functions and services for defining a balanced portfolio of change and ensuring consistent delivery of programmes and projects across an organisation.
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Managing Benefits™ Foundation/Practitioner View course

Managing Benefits™ Foundation/Practitioner

This course is based on the APMG Guide “Managing Benefits™” and includes the Foundation Certificate examination. The purpose of the Managing Benefits™ guidance and certification scheme is to provide managers and practitioners from multiple disciplines, working in a variety of organisations, with generally applicable guidance encompassing benefits management principles, practices and techniques.
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MoP® Management of Portfolios – Foundation/Practitioner View course

MoP® Management of Portfolios – Foundation/Practitioner

This is a four day course combining a two day Foundation and two day Practitioner module. It is aimed at providing a greater knowledge and understanding of the key principles and practices in successful Portfolio Management, as described in the official OGC MoP Guide. The course comprises a balanced blend of presentations, individual activities and discussion sessions, followed by assessment through a scenario-based exercise in the Practitioner module.
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Fundamentals of Project Management View course

Fundamentals of Project Management

This two day course provides participants with a thorough, concentrated coverage of the key skills needed for successful project management. It is based on the Project Management Institute’s PMBOK®, recognised as a major global standard in project management practices. Whether you are embarking on your career or seeking to consolidate your knowledge through formal learning, this is the ultimate foundation course for anyone involved in project management.
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What is PRINCE2

PRINCE2 is a structured project management methodology developed by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), UK and now owned and administered by Axelos Limited, a joint venture between the Capita Group and the UK Government.

PRINCE2 is a proven methodology with recognised professional certification. It offers a clearly defined techniques to manage a project from start to finish. It is a process-based approach for project management, providing an easily tailored and scaleable method for the management of all types of projects.

PRINCE2 was developed as a non-proprietary ‘best practice’ project management methodology and with growing popularity, is evolving into an international de facto standard. The method describes how a project is divided into manageable stages enabling efficient control of resources, regular progress monitoring and decision points throughout the project. The various roles and responsibilities for managing a project are fully described and are adaptable to suit the size and complexity of the project, and the skills of the organisation.

A PRINCE2 project is driven by the project’s business case which describes the organisation’s justification, commitment and rationale for the deliverables or outcomes. The business case is regularly reviewed during the project to ensure the business objectives, which often change during the lifecycle of the project, are still being met.

Using a standard ‘best practice’ approach, PRINCE2 ensures that a quality solution can be delivered and enables projects to have:

  • A controlled and organised start, middle and end
  • Regular reviews of progress against plan and against the Business Case
  • Flexible decision points
  • Automatic management control of any deviations from the plan
  • The involvement of management and stakeholders at the right time and place during the project
  • Good communication channels between the project, project management, and the rest of the organisation


Why Use a Project Management Method?

Project failures are all too common – some make the headlines, the vast majority are either forgotten or are swept under the carpet. Either way, there is always a cost. Sometimes this cost is critical. In many if not most cases it could have been readily avoided.

Projects underperform when those who commission it, those who manage it and those who work on it have different ideas about how things should be organised and when the different aspects of the project should be completed. A project management method is a way of ensuring that all key players are operating with the same rules and guidelines. Without a project management method, projects will rarely be completed on time and within acceptable cost – this is especially true of large projects. A good project management method will guide the project through a controlled, well-managed, visible set of activities to achieve the desired results.

There are many project management methods available. Ultimately all are based on common sense and sound management procedures. PRINCE2 is one of the most widely adopted project management methods in the world today.