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ALC Group is committed to providing premium quality training to individuals and the business and government sectors. To this end we recruit highly qualified instructors with a proven track record not only for knowledge and experience, but also for the ability to impart this in a training classroom environment. We have also developed policies and procedures to help ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

If for whatever reason a training course does not meet your expectations this document outlines the options available to you and the procedures that should be followed to address any and all issues.

First Level Procedure

To guarantee your satisfaction ALC offers a money-back or full credit policy. If the course is not meeting your requirements, simply inform the on-site Course administrator or course instructor before the end of the first day, return all course materials and we will give you either a full credit towards another course or a full and prompt refund of fees paid, according to your instructions.

If you do not wish to leave the course but still have some concerns, then these should be discussed in the first instance with the instructor or the course administrator.

Second Level Procedure

If you have attended the full course and have a complaint to make then, depending on the severity of the complaint, in the first instance you can avail yourself of the Course Evaluation Form which allows for all manner of feedback. ALC treats these forms seriously as one of the main ways by which we can judge the quality of our courses and find out how to improve them for you. All Course Evaluation forms are viewed by a Senior Manager and any issues noted are addressed promptly.

Third Level Procedure

If the nature of your complaint warrants something more than the above then the correct procedure is to send the complaint in writing to the General Manager or by email, also addressed to the General Manager, to


ALC Group takes the issue of quality very seriously and undertakes as follows:

Complaints will be considered in a transparent, objective, and impartial manner. Our Policy and Procedure incorporates the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness. Those with particular needs, such as people whose first language is not English or those with a disability, will not be disadvantaged during the complaints process;

Complaints will be responded to promptly. Any complaints received by email will receive an initial response within twenty four hours. We will do our utmost to ensure that complaints are fully resolved within a maximum of 5 working days. Should that be unfeasible for whatever reason, you will be notified in writing when a decision is likely to be made;

In handling a complaint, we will investigate the relevant circumstances and information to the level warranted by the severity of the complaint;

The confidentiality of clients or students who raise a complaint or appeal will be maintained and anonymity preserved where requested. Complainants will be informed where such anonymity may limit the extent to which a complaint can be investigated.